Proteins 21654
Sites 70536
Organisms 12
About US
- School of Basic Medicine, QINGDAO University, Qingdao, China
- College of Computer Science and Technology, QINGDAO University, Qingdao, China
- Yanzheng Meng†:yanzheng.meng@hotmail.com
- Lin Zhang†:linus_zhang_iceshadows@hotmail.com
- Laizhi Zhang:zhanglaizhi2021@hotmail.com
- Ziyu Wang:ryan_wang_cn@163.com
- Xuanwen Wang:wxw000709@gmail.com
- Prof. Yu Chen:chenyu@qdu.edu.cn
- Dr. Shipeng Shang:bio_shangsp@hotmail.com
- Prof. Lei Li:lileime@hotmail.com
For publication of results please cite the following article:

CysModDB: a comprehensive platform with the integration of manually curated resources and analysis tools for cysteine posttranslational modifications
Yanzheng Meng, Lin Zhang, Laizhi Zhang, Ziyu Wang, Xuanwen Wang, Chan Li, Yu Chen, Shipeng Shang and Lei Li
Briefings in Bioinformatics, bbac460, https://doi.org/10.1093/bib/bbac460
Link: PubMed
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