

  • Proteins 21654
  • Sites 70536
  • Organisms 12

Tools Overview

In this page, we provide a series of online tools for users to analysis the proteins or sequences of interests. The proteins or sequences chosen in the basket can be automatically loaded in this page. Gene Ontology analysis performs statistical GO enrichment analysis to user-chosen modified proteins. Sequence logo and composition heatmap can visualization the amino acids consistence and frequency for one or two baskets.

Transfer Basket

When browsing through different modified proteins, you can select items from PTM table, and the selected items will be stored and showed in here for next analysis. If you want to compare two group of items, such as sequence from two kinds of PTM types or organisms, you can click and then transfer these items from default basket (Basket A) to another basket (Basket B) for next analysis.

There is no item found in your basket (View Help or use Example).
Basket A:
  • Basket B: